
My Education (Finance) Story

I am an American citizen, both of my parents earned graduate degrees, and I would first and foremost like to acknowledge the privilege and opportunity that these factors (among many) afford me. That being said, I am no stranger to student debt and the announcement of debt relief this week brought on a strong emotional […]


On Culture and Shock

Like many as a result of this pandemic, I have embarked on a bit of a career pivot. I moved from Spain to Scotland somewhat suddenly last summer/fall and have been studying hard since October to earn a master’s degree.  There’s plenty to say about it but I’ll skip to the content for this post: […]

City Guides Destinations Travel Europe

London: insider finds in my most visited city

I spend at least one weekend each month in/around London so this post will offer both things to see if it’s your first time in the city and more local spots as well as some weekend/day trips & getaways. First things first, Sightseeing Start at Buckingham Palace (home of the queen) then start walking towards […]

50 things to do when coronavirus quarantine goes long-term COVID-19

50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 10)

1. Commit to something

Sudden restriction is far from easy! To keep yourself moving, hold yourself accountable. Set a goal and make a timeline. Really break it down into small steps so you can see yourself progressing daily or weekly. Don’t be afraid of committing to something time consuming because you’ll take it piece by piece. In the end you’ll have some work done, hopefully something you’re passionate about.

COVID-19 Uncategorized

50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 9)

7. Edit social media

More social, less media. Social comparison distorts self-perception. Unfollow influencers. Unfollow any account which has the explicit goal to sell you something or causes you to feel down. Reset your reference points and surround your online self with better content. Hide your social media apps in a folder where you’ll have to work to access them (keep them off your main home screen). Limit yourself online and avoid falling into a black hole of comparison (set a timer while you scroll).


50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 8)

14. Watch for Wildlife

Have a window? Look outside right now. Check the sky, any birds? Listen. Any foxes? Bees? Whether you live in the mountains or a mega city living things surround you. When I was a kid I could watch a grasshopper for an hour. They are still fascinating! I’ve taken to watching a pair of birds out my window. Bird watching may be a new hobby even after quarantine, what’s living with you? You’re far from alone, you see.


50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 7)

17. Perform Random Acts of Kindness

Doing good feels good.

Start with a sweet: candy or a baked good. Add some yummy smelling lotions/potions, maybe tea and a little note about why this person plays a special role in your life.

Or keep it simple– help your colleague with something, give a few dollars or some time to a cause you believe in, say something kind to a stranger, write a thank you note, give a compliment, or similar. 


50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 6)

25. Listen to music (just listen)

When was the last time you just listened to an album — first song to last without distractions? Maybe in the days of CDs? I love doing this


50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 5)

26. Make your bed

Every morning. This habit starts your day off with a small, simple success. In turn it strengthens self-discipline and encourages further productivity throughout your day.


50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 4)

34. Read one chapter of a book every day

Start small. Make it easy to succeed. Add more, little by little, over time. Make it manageable, then, make it a habit.


50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 3)

38. Take a green tea bath

I treat my tub like a giant cup of tea (and drink an herbal cup while I’m in it) – ahhh


50 Things to do when Lockdown goes Long-term (Part 2)

43. Remote dinner date

Set a date, share a recipe and shop for the ingredients beforehand. On the evening of, get dressed up like you might for a real date and video call as you prepare the same meal together in each’s respective home. Light a candle, sync up your music and enjoy the meal together. Sure it’s a little silly, a little over the top, but the action and effort of coordinating everything perfectly, making this all work together is what it’s all about.